our team


administration officer

Mark Shenton

executive officer

Sharni Harfield

marketing and admin

Charli Mayfield

Jeremy Galbreath


our amazing trainers and facilitators

Stress Management and coping mechanisms

Sumer Addy

Martha Barnard-Rae

SEO and Copywriting

Nicola Edwards

Branding and Marketing

Jenny Feast

Photography for your business

Business Start-Up, Pricing, Budgeting, Strategic Planning

Jeremy Galbreath

Jessica Kinder

Xero, MYOB and all things bookkeeping


Cyber Security

Anthony and Kamilla

Website, SEO and online marketing

Dave Rowley

Erin Quartermaine - Albany Business Centre

Increasing your business, Social Media, AI, Canva…plus more

Mark Shenton

Erin Quartermaine

Excel, invoicing, and cost management

Business Tax Planning

Ben Wrobel

our board

Mark Forrest - Albany Business Centre
Lee Sounness - Albany Business Centre

Mark Forrest

Lee Sounness

Ben Wrobel - Albany Business Centre


deputy chair

Bev Baxter - Albany Business Centre
Alison Steer - Albany Business Centre



Ben Wrobel

Bev Baxter

Alison Steer

board member

Christine Grogan - Chair - Albany Business Centre
Doug Grant - Albany Business Centre

board member

board member

Christine Grogan

David Rowley

Jeremy Stuart - Vice Chair - Albany Business Centre-103.jpg

Doug Grant

board member

Jeremy Stewart

board member

Jenny Feast

board member

about us

The Albany Enterprise Group Incorporated (AEG) is a not-for-profit organisation which provides guidance and assistance to individuals wanting to start a small business, and support to those with an established small business.

The AEG trades under the name Albany Business Centre and provides business advisory services across the Great Southern region which comprises the following 11 local government authorities:

  • City of Albany

  • Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup

  • Shire of Cranbrook

  • Shire of Denmark

  • Shire of Gnowangerup

  • Shire of Jerramungup

  • Shire of Katanning

  • Shire of Kojonup

  • Shire of Kent

  • Shire of Plantagenet

  • Shire of Woodanilling

The AEG is overseen by a board of management comprising local individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to improve small business within the community. They oversee the strategic direction of the AEG and ensure compliance with legal obligations. The CEO reports directly to the board; other staff report to the CEO.

The chair of the AEG Board can be contacted via email