Let's look at exactly what it costs you to do business?
Let's look at exactly what it costs you to do business so you can know exactly what wiggle room you have to reach your goals.
This workshop is also a great health check to see how your operation is going - so if you want to double check your efficiencies, come along!
We'll help you with:
Inputs vs outputs - Overview of COGS/COS/Breakeven & fixed & variable costs (and what that means!)
Working it all out - Let's work out how much it costs you to run your biz per hour/m2/product
Budgeting and forecasting - What action does your budget allow for? Your perfect budget and your plan B budget?
What can you do to build safe zones and opportunities?
How to go about problem solving or innovating to get you to your goal (new or current)
free event
brought to you by Small Business Development Corporation and Albany Business Centre – so it's FREE for Great Southern business owners or appropriate representatives of a local business.